Blast From the Past: Top Advertisements by Food Brands in Pakistan

Food advertising is popular globally, even in Pakistan. With major brands pouring in cash into marketing, we are more likely to come across food adverts every other minute of the day on TV, OOH,or digital platforms.
- Shaan Foods
This ad shows a couple; the husband is seen worrying over the family’s finances and liabilities, the wife interrupts and scares him a bit by reminding him about the grocery bill, before disclosing that it is covered by her savings. The ad asserts that women do not only cook, they are homemakers. It highlights a crucial role played by housewives all over Pakistan where they ensure that the household functions within the means at its disposal.
2. Soya Supreme
The caption and the jingle for this ad is catchy and the concept fills one with unbridled joy as it encourages you eat as much as you like without worrying about portion controls. Over all – Brilliant.
3. Dastak Banaspati
Personally, this is an all time favourite ad. The ad went viral (it was all over social media and even on LinkedIn) and is one of the most effective ads I have seen. An office boy serves food to the boss every day. One day the boss sees him eating his leftovers. The next day he brings the food already neatly divided into two portions. The production is immaculate and the acting is top notch.
4. Tapal Danedar
In this ad, a husband consoles his wife after a tense encounter with his mother by making her a cup of tea. In another, a son is about to leave for office in the morning and then decides to sit and have a cup of tea with his mother. The social messaging is impeccable and Tapal deserves the praise.