Latest Pakistani Advertisements & Campaigns Review

Advertisement standards are going high in Pakistan in last few decades, If we talk about current campaigns, smart advertising is gaining momentum.
Here, we have combined a short list of latest advertisements from Pakistan which are worth noticing and talking about.
Brand: KFC Pakistan
Agency: Orient McCann Pakistan
Campaign: KFC Value Box
Message: KFC Value Box has great value!
The brief for this can assumed to be: “We just want to glorify the KFC Value Box.” And that can be the secret of this ad. They simply picked the word ‘value’ and created over-the-top ads that got the message across and made people laugh. The message comes out to be that there is no ‘value’ in anything except the KFC Value Box.
Brand: The Citizens Foundation (TCF)
Agency: Concept by Kiran Murad, produced by Y Productions
Campaign: TCF Zakat Campaign 2019
Message: Meray bhi hain kuch khwab.
TCF has historically used relatable insights to create moving zakat campaigns and this is one of them. How many times have we asked young kids “Baray ho ke kia bano gay?” A simple idea linked to a complex cause. We can only hope and pray this touches the right hearts and pockets.
Brand: Nestle Nesvita
Agency: MullenLowe Rauf
Campaign: Nestlé Nesvita Move+
Message: Mein Strong Tou Life Strong.
This ad is without a doubt; neat, short, cute and snappy. The set is girlie and relatable in this series of four spots and the casual, spontaneous, unaffected language of the script. Not to forget the great timing of this campaign, especially in a scorching summer, when doctors say you are sweating calcium out of your bones.
Brand: Bold Body Spray
Agency: MCS (Manghi Communications Solutions)
Campaign: Bold Body Spray
Message: Be bold. Change the game.
Bold is our very own Axe for Pakistan. This is a cheesy, over-acted drama that seems to merge the Axe effect with a 007 Bond hero!
Do our readers have a favourite campaign? Have something to add to the story? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.