Imtiaz Super Market is Selling Paper Bags on Consumer Demand

A lot of emphasis is being placed on how plastic is extremely harmful for the environment. Awareness campaigns are being carried out throughout the world as well as in Pakistan.
In a meeting presided by Sindh Chief Minister Murad Ali Shah earlier this month, the Government of Sindh imposed a ban on the use of polythene shopping bags in Karachi once again.
The ban will be enforced under Section 144 from October 1st, 2019.
However, little has been done to provide consumers with solutions as to what they should use instead of plastic.
It has been found out that the popular Imtiaz Super Market(Defence) has joined the #SayNoToPlastic movement:
They have taken the initiative to sell paper bags instead of plastic bags on consumer demand, and are hopeful that this small step will help fight environmental pollution on a larger scale.
Well, a supermarket really is the best place for this change to start, as one of the most common uses of plastic is for shopping purposes. It is also great to see brands in Pakistan adopting the #NoPlastic trend and in doing so, ensuring that a major lifestyle change occurs in their consumers.