Car Rally Against Indian Atrocities In Brussels

On 25 January 2018 at 1530 hours, EU – Pakistan friendship federation Europe organized Mega protest car rally” at European Capital BRUSSELS, Belgium. The rally started from popular Brussels monument “ATOMIUM” and finished at “Prominent Expo center/Square Brussels”. 130 – 150 people belonging to Pakistan diaspora, Indian Minorities including Sikhs and Dalits, Human rights activists/ defenders, freelance journalists participated. 60 – 70 Vehicles also joined the Rally.
The participants raised slogans against Indian brutalities in Indian occupied Kashmir and other Indian occupied regions such as ASSAM, TRIPURA, NAGALAND, SIKKIM and MANIPUR. Participants were holding and displaying Posters and panaflex (Free ASSAM, Free TRIPURA, Free KHALISTAN, Free Indian Occupied Kashmir, India stop atrocities over minorities) placed on their vehicles depicting Indian brutalities .
They demanded from European Union, U.N. and other international Forums to pressurize India to stop ongoing brutalities on unarmed and innocent people of IOK and Indian Minorities.The subject rally was witnessed by large number of European/ Global tourists, who were roaming in the areas of ATOMIUM – EXPO (Brussels). This was first car rally of its kind in Europe, which exposed the actual face of india at international level.