After 152 Years, 'Super Blue Blood Moon' to Light up Sky in Pakistan Tonight

The world is going to witness a rare and a spectacular view of ‘Super Blue Blood Moon’ on January 31 that is tonight, after a gap of 152 years.
“It is going to be a historical moment because it is a coincidence when blue moon, red moon and full lunar eclipse will take place at the same time and on the same date,” said chief Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD), Dr Ghulam Rasul told The Express Tribune on Saturday. “This moon was last time seen in 1866,” he added.
“The moon can be seen from anywhere in Pakistan, depending on the weather conditions.”
Tonight, January 31st, 2018 will be a rare moment in history where you will get to witness all three moons in one night. A supermoon, but simultaneously a blood moon and a blue moon will pass in the shadow of Earth, for a total lunar eclipse.
So are you excited to see the super blue moon?