Actress Reema Lauds Her Husband Publicly For Helping Afghan Refugees

Lollywood actor Reema Khan is super proud of the work her husband —Dr Syed Tariq Shahab — is putting in towards relief and welfare work for Afghan refugees. She posted on social media to highlight her husband’s work and expressed her pride in his efforts.
Khan posted a few pictures of her husband on social media, which show the doctor on an airfield as well as inside an airplane cockpit. “My husband — Dr Syed Tariq Shahab — is on his way to Doha, Qatar with Team USA to help and take care of the Afghan refugees,” the actor posted in the picture caption. “I am very proud of him for his dedication, hard work and sacrifice. And I pray to Allah that he has a very safe and successful trip.”
The United Nations has warned about the exodus of up to 500,000 Afghan refugees from Afghanistan by the year’s end in light of the Taliban claiming control over the country. The UN also stressed the need for providing refugees with humanitarian assistance, particularly by Afghanistan’s neighbouring countries.
Khan married Shahab in the United States in 2011, reportedly two years after she met him while staying in the US for a surgery.